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Friday, 14 February 2025

ManageEngine Desktop Central

Windows Desktop Management Software


ManageEngine Desktop Central is a web-based windows desktop management software that helps in managing thousands of desktops from a central location across your LAN and WAN.
It automates the complete desktop management life cycle ranging from a simple configuration to complex software deployment.
With its network-neutral architecture, the administrator can easily manage any windows networks like Active Directory, Workgroup or other directory services. Please check which version is right for you by clicking below.

Key Features

  • Supports Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 operating systems
  • Helps to configure systems and users in Desktop, System, Application, and Windows Security categories.
  • Standards based - Uses Windows technology to apply the configurations
  • Readymade reports of Active Directory infrastructure
  • Power Management & Energy Saving

Business Benefits

  • Web based, Easy to install and use, No training necessary
  • Minimal Windows expertise needed
  • Reduces manual intervention, Enhances productivity


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Power Management

Go green with efficient power management techniques

What is Green Computing?

Green Computing refers to the efficient use of computer resources. Some of the green computing practices include, Server Virtualization, Power Management, Secured Network to reduce eWaste, Using Recycled Materials, and so on. Though the ultimate goal is to save the planet and the resources for our future generations, let us limit ourselves with the Power Management here.

How it started?

The launch of the Energy Star program back in 1992 was one of the first manifestations of the green computing movement. Started by the US Environmental Protection Agency, it served as a kind of voluntary label awarded to the products that minimizes the power usage. Energy Star applied to Computer Monitors, Television Sets, Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, etc.

How much energy does a computer use?

A typical desktop computer comprises of CPU and a monitor. A computer running Intel P4, 2.4 GHz processor consumes 64.6 Watt per hour. Add another 50-100 Watt for the monitor. While the CPU consumes much less energy when idle, the monitors on the other hand consume the same energy even when the computer is idle.

Energy Star - Power Management

Let us do the math to calculate the average power consumption of a computer:

  1. Assuming that a 150 W computer is put to use day and night every day, the direct annual cost on electricity is $150 (at $0.1153/KWh)
  2. In contrast, if the same computer is used only during the normal working hours (40 hours a week), the cost would be $36
  3. The saving is $114 which is a stunning 76%

This is just for a single computer. As the number of computers increases, the saving on the electricity cost is huge. Just to give an example, for 2000 computers, the annual saving is $22,800.

Also, EPA estimates that the computers are active only 58% of time during working hours. The rest are used in non-computer activities such as phone calls, meetings, lunch, and refreshments. This idle time can be used to save additional power by adopting stringent power schemes to desktops.

What techniques can be adopted to save power?

Some of the power management techniques that enterprises can adopt are:

  1. Define appropriate power schemes to computers.
  2. Turn off screen savers.
  3. Shutting down the systems during non-office hours.

How can Desktop Central help to save power?

Desktop Central helps to standardize the power settings in all the computers of the network at once. It provides the following power saving options:

  1. Enables creating, modifying, and applying power schemes to 1000s of computers across all branches at once using the Power Management Configuration.
  2. Supports creating multiple schemes for various departments/divisions.
  3. Create power schemes with advanced options for Laptops.
  4. Hibernate or Standby an idle computer using the Remote Shutdown Tool
  5. Shutdown computers from remote using the Remote Shutdown Tool. The shutdown operation can be scheduled to happen at defined interval.
  6. Disable screen savers using the Registry Configuration and hide the Screen Saver tab from the users using the Security Policy Configuration so that they may not be able to activate it again.


Whether the intentions are to save the planet or money, enterprises that adopt these energy saving techniques will be benefited. Desktop Central in addition to Power Management offers various features like Software Deployment, Asset Management, Patch Management, Remote Control, Active Directory Reports, User Logon Reports, and Windows System Tools.


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