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Applications Manager

Integrated Applications, Server and Database Monitoring Software
  • Application Performance Management
  • Web Services Monitoring (SOA
  • Business Service Management
  • End-to-End User Response time measurement

What is Applications Manager?

ManageEngine Applications Manager is an availability and performance monitoring software that helps businesses ensure high availability and performance for their business applications by ensuring servers and applications have high uptime. The application performance management capability includes server monitoring, application server monitoring, database monitoring, web services monitoring and an array of other application management capability that will help IT administrators manage their resources.

How can ManageEngine Applications Manager help you?

ManageEngine Applications Manager helps you with a holistic view to your IT resources. It helps monitor the performance of various components of an application and helps troubleshooting production issues quickly. This helps reduce finger pointing and improves quality of service to end users.

Infrastructure Performance Management Infrastructure Performance Management
As infrastructure becomes complex, it is essential to go deep in to the applications and servers to monitor performance, identify bottlenecks and plan capacity. Traditional Network and Systems Management tools are not good enough.
End User Experience Monitoring End User Experience Monitoring
This capability ensures better Quality of Experience for end users within the corporate LAN. Additionally it helps enterprises monitor mission critical (SaaS) applications they deliver to customers.
Performance Troublehsooting Performance Troubleshooting
This is very useful for server administrators, DBAs and even the application teams as it pin-points to performance bottlenecks in business transactions end to end, starting from a URL all the way down to the SQL query.

ManageEngine Applications Manager also an integral part of our Business Service Management that provides a business centric view to monitoring IT resources. This further helps aligning your IT resources to the needs of the business.

Why should you consider Applications Manager?

ManageEngine Applications Manager supports a heterogeneous application and server environment. This helps you meet most of your application performance monitoring needs with a single tool. It is a comprehensive tool that covers all leading Application servers, web servers, databases, servers and also provides mechanisms to include custom application monitoring by integrating home grown scripts.

Small & Medium Enterprises
Professional Edition
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For Large Enterprises
Enterprise Edition

ManageEngine Applications Manager Professional Edition provides an integrated Application Servers, databases, Servers, Web Services, Middleware, Portals, SAP, Web Sites and Web Application Monitoring capability in a easy to use Web Client.

  • You can monitor up to 250 applications, databases, servers etc.
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ManageEngine Applications Manager Enterprise Edition has a distributed architecture that helps enterprises monitor thousands of applications, servers, databases etc and gives a single view for the whole infrastructure. The Enterprise Edition has :

  • All features of the Professional Edition
  • High scalability and failover support
  • Ability to monitor resources in restricted networks
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